search "suffering"

Ace of Cpus and Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords represents anxiety, worry, and mental anguish, while the Ace of Cups symbolizes new emotional beginnings, love, and healing. Together, these cards may indicate a situation where emotional turmoil or anxiety is affecting a new emotional situation or relationship. Possible Interpretations of the Nine of Swords and the Ace of Cups ...

Week of February 15 to February 21 2021

Aries: Star: A moment of peace will bring inspiration and insight and something that has been confusing will start making sense. There will be signs that will point to the right direction and you will notice that life is taking a new pattern. This is your chance to escape a limiting situation, as after many trials, you are finally able to make a better choice....

Week of June 15 to June 21 2020

Aries:   Five of Swords: Are you trying to control everyone around you demanding that it be in your way? Are you viewing every situation as having a victor and a defeated? Try to take a step back and see what effect you're having on other people's lives. Don't be demanding at this stage. Trying to win at all costs can have consequences that you will...

Week of April 20 to April 26 2020

Aries: Seven of Wands: Taking a stand is better than doing nothing, as silence means that you give consent. But before you make a move make sure you see both sides. Others will respect you for that. Taurus:  Queen of Swords: Someone may feel that you are careless and unsympathetic with their feelings, but it seems that's what you need to do if yo...

Ten of Swords and Justice

Definitely not the most welcome card of the deck, the Ten of Swords marks an ending after a period of great stress, sadness and grief. The Justice, being the card of cause and effect, clears the waters for us and allows us to see with clarity the consequences and the repercussions of all the events that took place and led to the breakdown the Ten of Swords represents. ...

Seven of Wands and Three of Swords

The Seven of Wands is a card of defense, as we find ourselves "under siege". Criticism and attacks from other people are likely when this card comes up. The Three of Swords, the traditional card of heartbreak, indicates emotional wounds, hurtful words, but also clarity, as there's nowhere to hide anymore and a situation is exposed as it really is. The combination...

Nine of Swords and Six of Wands

The Nine of Swords is the card of extreme stress, nightmares and negative influences. It is also a card of painful endings. The Six of Wands is called "Victory" and indicates an interactive balance. It describes a situation that cannot exist without the contribution of (at least) two people and which usually results in a "win-win" outcome, unless it's ill-aspected...