Eight of Cups and Justice

  The the Eight of Cups signifies dissatisfaction and the desire to withdraw, to walk away from a situation and to change, as we hear the calling of a new or different future. In some cases the Eight of Cups can even indicate betrayal. The Justice, being the card of cause and effect, brings clarity and allows us see the motives and the consequences of our actions, as well those of others.The Justice is also associated with legal matters. The combination of the Eight of Cups and the Justice shows that we are walking away from a certain situation in an attempt to do what is right and fair for us or others.

Possible Manifestations of the Eight of Cups and the Justice

  • Changing direction in order to find balance
  • leaving is the right/fair thing to do
  • Walking away while still in control of a situation
  • Timing: October-February
  • Middle-age crisis
  • Giving up a legal right/claim
  • Breaking the law
  • Exile
  • Making a sacrifice for balance to be restored
  • Getting a divorce
  • Leaving emotional junk for the sake of clarity
  • Making a commitment
  • Knowing what you need to do
  • Going in search of truth
  • Making reasonable changes

Elemental Dignities

To understand the elemental relationships between the cards, we should always take into account their actual meaning. The elements of the cards are Water (Eight of Cups) and Air (Justcie). This is a balanced combination as the Water card shows our feelings about a situation while the Air card adds the necessary dose of reason to whatever goal we are planning to pursue. Both cards show resolve and the need for balance.

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