Eight of Swords and Six of Swords

The Eight of swords often represents a mental prison. Under its influence, we feel trapped, bullied, powerless and misunderstood. The good news is that in most cases, the Eight of Swords describes a temporary situation that will soon shift and change. The Six of Swords predicts peace after a period of turmoil. It gives a gentle a push towards a new direction, towards a calmer destination. The combination of the Eight of Swords and the Six of Swords shows a shift for the better, a release of difficult energies and blockages.

Possible Manifestations of the Eight of Swords and the Six of Swords

  • ​Escaping a situation
  • ​Leaving after delays/obstacles
  • ​Overcoming/Removing obstacles
  • ​Liberation
  • ​Speaking openly
  • Feeling ​free
  • ​Getting unstuck
  • ​Adopting a positive attitude
  • ​Finding solutions
  • Accepting a separation/passage
  • ​Leaving willingly
  • ​Driving away negativity
  • ​Changing perspective
  • ​Calming down
  • Unblocking communication
  • ​Free expression of thoughts
  • ​Dealing with a crisis
  • ​Immigration

Elemental Dignities

​To understand the elemental relationships between the cards, we should always take into account their actual meanings​. ​​The elements of the cards ​in this case ​are Air (​Eight of Swords) and Air (​Six of Swords). Two Air cards can generate quite a powerful and intense combination. In their negative expression, these two cards will bring feelings of restlessness, failure, futility. In most cases the strong air of these two cards cards shows a ​dynamic situation ​that's subject to change.​

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