Emperor and Magician

The Emperor is one of the masculine archetypes in Tarot and he represents control, structures, stability, power and discipline. The Emperor describes someone with great power and authority, someone who is influential, logical and practical. The Magician is a card of action and manifestation, individuality and creation, the master of personal Will and Intention. This is a combination of two very strong masculine cards that can materialize either as persons or as energies that will influence a situation.

Possible Manifestations of the Emperor and the Magician

  • The power to act
  • Father and son
  • Getting things done
  • Standing up for yourself
  • A temporary ruler/manager
  • Making rules
  • A startup
  • Speaking up
  • Taking action
  • Being direct
  • Doing things on your terms
  • Being in control
  • Keeping your boundaries
  • Strategizing and planning
  • Being deliberate in your actions
  • Being manipulative
  • Persuasion and influence
  • Being creative
  • Being in charge
  • An old and a young man

Elemental Dignities

The elements of the cards are Fire (Emperor) and Air (Magician). A high energy combination that strengthens the qualities of the cards, bringing their expression to extremes. If positive, this combination can actually achieve its greatest potential and materialize as free, clear and efficient communication of ideas. If negative, it can cause a dangerous and explosive situation.

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