Hermit and Knight of Swords

The Hermit has the tendency to withdraw in order to find answers in solitude, avoiding interference from others.The Knight of Swords is logical, witty, analytical, just, but he can also be impatient, judgmental, ruthless and verbally aggressive. The two cards describe opposing forces. The Hermit is slow and thoughtful, while the Knight of Swords is fast, always in a hurry.

Possible Manifestations of the Hermit and the Knight of Swords

  • Changing gears
  • Accelerating
  • Start seeing progress
  • Acting on ideas
  • Coming out of shell
  • Expressing thoughts
  • Becoming more social
  • Opening up
  • Forceful change
  • Coming to conclusion
  • Finding a way out
  • A wise judgement
  • Being sarcastic
  • Knowing how to fight/hurt someone
  • Figuring out solutions
  • Getting back to action after a break
  • An old, wise person with a young, hasty/impatient person
  • A sudden attack or movement
  • A teacher-apprentice relationship

Elemental Dignities

The elements of the cards are Earth (Hermit) and Air (Knight of Swords) and the Air card will try to disrupt the Earth card. Usually the results of such a combination are poor or short-lived, especially with a strong card like the Hermit, adding gravity to the situation, but it is definitely a combination that will bring necessary changes.

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