Seven of Pentacles and Death

The card of patience and timing, paired with the card of transformation, change and endings, point to a situation which drags on for too long, as the persons involved are reluctant to face whatever issues they may have due to fear of the unknown. The Seven of Pentacles indicates that our efforts haven't brought the results we expected them to bring and we may question whether the goal we are trying to achieve is worth our time and energy. At times we may even want to give up, but the Death card, with all its conscious or subconscious fears, makes it very difficult for us to let go and surrender to change and transformation

Possible Manifestations of the Seven of Pentacles and the Death

  • A stagnant relationship/situation
  • Feeling stuck
  • Hesitation/Fear to deal with the issues at handthat feels stuck and stagnant
  • Not taking the next step
  • Torelating an annoying situation
  • Being unable to find a better option
  • Fear of change
  • An ongoing situation that lasts for years
  • Paralyzing fear
  • Not making a move to change a situation
  • A natural ending
  • Death in old age
  • Slow transformation
  • Inability to let go 

Elemental Dignities

The elements of these cards are Earth (Seven of Pentacles) and Water (Death). Both elements are passive and strengthen each other. As a result, we should expect that the qualities of each card will be emphasized. The Seven of Pentacles will make make us hold on for longer than it normally would and will try its best to convince us to sidestep facing the fears the Death represents. On the other hand, Death's -scary- promise for transformation and change is stalled by the the the excess gravity of the Earth card.

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