Week of June 29 to July 5 2020

Aries: Queen of Pentacles: You will notice progress and positive developments around your career and finances. An issue that had been troubling you for a while, these days will start moving forward. You need to feel secure in your workplace and under this influence, you will have the opportunity to find allies and support that will make you feel more confident to pursue your goals.

Taurus: Five of Swords:There's a high risk of arguments these week as there are many people around you who have different opinions and different agendas. It's important that you pick your battles wisely at this stage, as there will be people who will try to drag you into disputes, often without any serious reason, but just because they feel argumentative and confrontational. Keep them at an arm's length.

Gemini: Four of Pentacles: You are trying hard to preserve what you have gained and that's not always easy as there is strong opposition from outside forces and you will have to stand your ground. Make sure you don't waste your energies and your resources on things and situations that have run their course and they don't serve your best interests anymore.

Cancer: Six of Swords: You feel exhausted by a certain situation and you will feel the need to take a break or even to move on. In fact, the best thing you can to is to keep the motion and go for change and fresh energy. You will find allies along the way and you will start noticing the first positive signs that a better phase is about to arrive.

Leo: Six of Wands:  People will acknowledge your efforts and you will be rewarded for all the hard work and patience. A stage is completed and you are going to be the protagonist, a role that you feel comfortable in anyway. You will feel that you are in the spotlight and that's a good thing. Enjoy the praise and the rewards that will soon arrive.

Virgo: Eight of Swords: A situation that looked stable has destabilized as of late and there are obstacles and difficulties to be overcome. Try  not to let a negative mental attitude make things worse. Even if things are not ideal at this stage, trust that change is the only certainty in life and it won't be long until the pendulum swings again, in the opposite direction this time.

Libra: Fool: You will be starting something new in your life and even if you haven't thought everything out, you are determined to go after it anyway.  It is a time for letting go of expectations and being open to going with the flow.  A positive attitude that everything will work out will push you forward, just make sure that you don't walk into situations blindly.

Scorpio: Nine of Swords: Your thoughts tend to gravitate towards the negative these days and that's just making things worse. You are dealing with a situation that needs to end, but you are still holding on to it and that's causing you tension. The sooner you deal with this issue, the faster its unpleasantness will go away. if you feel totally ungrounded, that's because you are too much up in your head.

Sagittarius: Knight of Wands : You will feel energised and ready to act, as something you have desired for a long time, now seems within your reach. Keep building up momentum and the universe will manifest the right conditions for things to start going ahead. Trust in your ability to make things happen. Rely on yourself alone at this stage.

Capricorn: High Priestess: You will be feeling introspective and that's because there's a matter that needs your attention at this stage. You need to find answers but don't look for those answers outside. Look within and trust your intuition. Your dreams will be vivid and insightful. Just remember not to make any decisions yet. Things are still fluid and there's more below the surface. 

Aquarius: Queen of Cups: Emotional connections will be in the foreground these days and you will enjoy a new friendship or relationship with someone who's on the same wavelength as yourself. It's important that you try to vibrate in a healing, loving frequency, as this person has come to help you mend wounds from the past and release negative patterns.  You don’t like anything or anyone who is superficial now. You want people to understand you and to tell you about themselves as well.

Pisces: Judgement: Something or someone from the past is going to resurface soon, but beware that the issues that caused distance before are still there and there's a risk of repeat. The universe is giving you a chance to start afresh, but that means you need to shed the old skin first. Think of the lessons you have learned and act accordingly.

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