Week of May 17 to May 23 2021

Aries: Seven of Pentacles: Things seem to be moving along quite nicely and there isn't much that actually needs to be done right now. You will soon taste the results of your effort, but try to remain patient without forcing or pushing .Things still need to ripen, to grow into their full manifestation. While waiting to receive your rewards, take the time to review how things went so you can improve next time around. The results you are going to get will be solid and long lasting.

Taurus: Knight of Cups: You are excited to start a new quest that will be of an emotional nature, as you are determined to win the heart of a special someone. You have a clear idea what (who) you want and you will feel completely devoted to succeeding no matter the cost. Honor the beauty and romance that you find in daily life. You know what your ideal is so don't settle for less. Enjoy the journey but don’t lose your focus. Your options will be many but not all of them will be worth pursuing.

Gemini:Empress: This week you will experience abundance, which can be a blessing or burden, depending on how you determine abundance. If you are cluttering your life with unnecessary things, situations or feelings, it’s time to declutter and release some unwanted energies. Recognize your values and give them your time, attention, and energy. Put your focus on what you want to increase in your life. Pay attention to boundaries because nothing can grow well if it is overcrowded.

Cancer: Strength: There are some difficult battles to face right now and the attacks could be coming from external sources or from your own dark thoughts. These dragons must be faced before you can move on. Trust that you have the strength of character that outshines those fears. Look for the parts of yourself that you have denied or suppressed and heal your wounds. Reclaiming a part of you can be a slow process, but it will be extremely rewarding.

Leo: King of Cups: You will be moved by matters of the heart and you will be working to create a deep and meaningful connection with someone special. Being motivated by emotions means that you will be more sensitive and vulnerable than usual, but make sure that you don’t revert to childish or manipulative behavior if things don't go your way. Let love drive your actions and build bridges that strengthen relationships.

Virgo: Two of Cups: This is a crucial moment in one of your personal relationships! Whether it is romantic, business, or some other type of relationship, this is that exciting moment, full of the promise of something deeper. While the promise of an intense connection of some sort is there, there are no guarantees that it will turn into something more. For now, though, the possibility of more is more than enough. Be open to and optimistic about this new connection, but don't ruin it by dragging expectations into the picture.

Libra: Four of Wands: You will attend a formal or organized celebration or party as something wonderful has happened and you and your friends have the chance to really acknowledge all the hard work you put in to achieving your goal. This can be anything, such as a wedding, a birthday party, a retirement party, or graduation celebration. Take part in making this event the best it can be and, most of all, enjoy!

Scorpio: Six of Pentacles: This week you will have the chance to help someone in need and you should, but try to make it in a way that the other person retains their dignity. You may have discussions about who gets what, when, and how, as there’s some sort of deal or exchange going on in your life at the moment. Keep in mind that whoever holds all the cards is the one making decisions and judgments about who gets the help they requested. Some may leave satisfied and others may not.

Sagittarius: King of Wands: You will be called to take action and make a decision in service of something larger than yourself. Perhaps a business, political activism, or volunteer coordination. You do have the experience, the authority and means to execute exciting new ideas and that’s a good time to be on the lookout for opportunities. You will make the best use of your talents and when you are doing something, so don't procrastinate. Find a beneficial cause to give your energy and abilities to. This is a week that you can make a difference.

Capricorn: Five of Swords: A battle is over, but nothing has been resolved, as someone is walking away with all the prizes and another is walking away with regrets and strong judgments. The situation can be really confusing and that will make it hard to know what to do. Depending on what you want to achieve, you may want to resort to restorative measures and moves toward peace, trying to find a better way to resolve the conflict or you can just accept that loss is part of life and move on. Just keep in mind that things cannot be like before.

Aquarius: Four of Swords: There is a problem that seems unsolvable. With sticky issues, it is easy to think and think until your head is so full of thoughts that everything feels confusing. Another approach would be to retreat, restore, and regroup. There are lots of complicated angles but the solution can be simple. Let go of this problem for a while it's not going anywhere and you are not moving closer to a solution by fretting. Meditate and sleep on it.

Pisces: Page of Swords: This week you will feel like learning something new, as you are feeling stuck and bored. And there is potential to get really good at what you will decide to learn and use that knowledge for something much bigger in the future. Try not to amuse yourself at the expense of others and try not to see things as black and while only. Your insight can be discerning now, but make sure that you are not getting gossipy or judgmental. Recognize your own intelligence but also admit that you don't know what you don't know.

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