Wheel of Fortune and Eight of Cups

The Wheel of Fortune is the card that foretells change, luck and happenstance. Often such changes are triggered by life and that's why the Wheel of Fortune is also a card of destiny and time cycles. The Wheel turns for everyone and no one can escape its shifts. The the Eight of Cups signifies dissatisfaction and we feel the desire to withdraw, to walk away from a situation, to change, as we hear the calling of a new or different future. In some cases the Eight of Cups can even indicate betrayal. The combination of the Wheel of Fortune and the Eight of Cups shows a change of direction often triggerd by life's events.

Possible Manifestations of the Wheel of Fortune and the Eight of Cups

  • A change of heart
  • The end of an unpleasant situation
  • Moving cities/countries
  • Moving on after an ending
  • A change that appears to be unfortunate
  • The end of a cycle
  • A calling of fate
  • Emotional ups and downs
  • Ending a pattern
  • Getting closure and moving on
  • Events that push you to leave a situation
  • Leaving something to fate
  • "Been there, done that, don't wanna go there again"
  • Leaving a comfort zone
  • Travelling

Elemental Dignities

To understand the elemental relationships between the cards, we should always take into account their actual meaning. The elements of the cards are Fire (Wheel of Fortune) and Water (Eight of Cups). This combination shows a battle between the two elements, as Fire and Water are enemies. That's why with this combination, we should expect fluctuations between two different polarities, but in most cases, the influence of the Wheel of Fortune, as a major arcana card, will be dominating. So in this case, if we decide to leave a certain situation behind, mostly likely, there won't be a way back.

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