
Major Arcana as Advice

Discover how to integrate Major Arcana's advice into your daily Tarot practice, the profound life lessons each card represents, and how these timeless teachings can inspire and direct your personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. By applying the timeless wisdom of the Major Arcana to everyday scenarios, we find that these spiritual guides offer not only profoun...

Card Reversals in Tarot: To Do or Not to Do?

When it comes to the enigmatic and insightful world of Tarot, the question of reading reversed cards often emerges as a point of contention among both beginners and seasoned readers alike. Should you incorporate reversed cards into your readings, or should you stick with the upright interpretations alone? The choice isn't as clear-cut as one might think. I...

Timing Events with Tarot Cards: Unlocking the Temporal Mysteries (With Examples)

Tarot is an intricate tapestry of symbolism, intuition, and ancient wisdom that has captivated the human imagination for centuries. Traditionally utilized for guidance, self-reflection, and divination, Tarot cards can also be used to forecast temporal events. While the Tarot is not a clock ticking away seconds and minutes, it does hold subtle keys to understanding...

The Colors in Tarot Cards and Their Significance

Colors in Tarot Cards Tarot cards have been used for centuries as a tool for divination, guidance, and self-reflection. Beyond the imagery, symbolism, and numerology typically studied in Tarot readings, the colors imbued in each card also play a significant role in understanding its message. Different colors evoke various feelings,...

Discover the Magic of Tarot with Kassie Kai!

Hello, wonderful souls! I'm beyond excited to share a special moment with all of you. If you have ever been curious about the mystical world of Tarot or seek guidance in your life's journey, then this is an invitation you don't want to miss! I am Kassie Kai a.k.a Totem Aion, a passionate Tarot reader, and I had the incredible honor of being interviewed...

A Comprehensive Guide in Tarot Symbolism

Tarot symbolism is a rich and complex language that speaks through archetypal images and profound metaphors. It involves a variety of symbols from different cultures, religions, and philosophical traditions, each carrying its own unique set of meanings. These symbols can be objects, creatures, places, or abstract elements. Each Tarot card is a symbolic map of...

How to Choose a Tarot Significator

A Tarot significator is a pre-selected court card that describes a particular person in a Tarot reading or in a Tarot spell. You choose a significator card according to the personality or the zodiac sign of the person it represents. ~Tarot Deck: Le Joie de Vivre Tarot

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