search "King of Pentacles"

Week of September 7 to September 13 2020

Aries: King of Pentacles: Working on a certain goal that you want to achieve will be great fun now! You know that it's just a matter of time before success comes and you will feel willing to put all the necessary effort to make it happen. If you don't take  your eyes off the ball, you will get more than  you ever expected. You now need grounding energies...

Page of Wands and King of Pentacles

The Page of Wands is a dynamic, energetic card, associated with the desire to create. Enthusiasm, bold moves, spontaneity, new beginnings and messages are associated with this Page. The King of Pentacles is practical, methodical, and he is associated with professional, financial or practical matters. He is family and career oriented, but in his negative manifestation...

King of Pentacles and Two of Cups

The King of Pentacles is extremely practical, methodical, and he is associated with professional, financial or practical matters. In his negative manifestation he can be stubborn, boring, conservative and short-sighted. The Two of Cups often predicts a happy meeting between friends or lovers. In this card, opposites come together in a harmonious union. The combination...

Four of Swords and King of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles indicates a break from the routine, a pause, a desire to find peace of mind, a process of healing, of recuperation. The King of Pentacles is extremely practical, methodical, and he is associated with professional, financial or practical matters. In his negative manifestation he can be stubborn, boring, conservative and short-sighted. The...