search "Magician"

Week of July 29 to August 4 2024

Weekly Tarot Predictions for All Signs 29 July -4 August with Kassie This week’s tarot reading is a captivating journey filled with magic, success, and profound transformation. The Magician kicks off the week, empowering you to harness your inner resources and manifest your desires. As the week progresses, The Sun shines brightly, bringing positivity, j...

Major Arcana as Advice

Discover how to integrate Major Arcana's advice into your daily Tarot practice, the profound life lessons each card represents, and how these timeless teachings can inspire and direct your personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. By applying the timeless wisdom of the Major Arcana to everyday scenarios, we find that these spiritual guides offer not only profoun...

The Colors in Tarot Cards and Their Significance

Colors in Tarot Cards Tarot cards have been used for centuries as a tool for divination, guidance, and self-reflection. Beyond the imagery, symbolism, and numerology typically studied in Tarot readings, the colors imbued in each card also play a significant role in understanding its message. Different colors evoke various feelings,...

Magician and Two of Cups

The Magician symbolizes action, manifestation, adaptability, and intention, suggesting the power to shape one's reality. His association with consciousness and transformation indicates the potential to enact significant changes. On the other hand, he can also represent someone who's cunning, unpredictable, and elusive. The Two of Cups, however, symbolizes an...

Two of Cups and Magician

The Two of Cups represents deep emotional connection, mutual attraction, and the formation of harmonious bonds, often indicative of romantic relationships or close friendships. The Magician, in contrast, signifies action, willpower, manifestation, and transformation, but may also imply elements of trickery, unreliability, and unpredictability. In conjunction,...

Magician and Ace of Cups

The Magician is a card of action, manifestation, individuality, and creation. He's the master of personal Will and Intention. The Ace of Cups, on the other hand, is a card of emotional new beginnings, love, compassion, creativity, and intuition. Together, these cards suggest that you have the power to manifest emotional and intuitive new beginnings, possibly...

Ace of Cups and Magician

The Ace of Cups is a card of emotional new beginnings, love, compassion, creativity, and intuition. It symbolizes the opening of the heart and the start of a spiritual or emotional journey. The Magician, on the other hand, is a card of action, manifestation, individuality, and creation. He's the master of personal Will and Intention. Together, these cards suggest...

Magician and Two of Wands

The Magician is a card of action, manifestation, individuality and creation. He's the master of personal Will and Intention. The Two of Wands is a card of decisions, dilemmas, and action. It represents a balancing act, triggered by a choice. Together, they suggest that you have the ability to harness your talents, take initiative, and manifest your goals and...

Week of August 2 to August 8 2021

Aries: Chariot: There will be different energies that will pull you in different directions this week and you may feel a little indecisive or confused. The good news is that you are in control of the situation and if you use your willpower and determination, you will eventually get what you want. Whatever you are dealing with, know that you have the upper hand....

Week of July 5 to July 11 2021

Aries: Lovers: You are faced by a rather difficult decision, but before you make a choice, make sure that you are assessing the situation correctly. Analyze all data, keeping in mind that something that initially appeared like a bad option. may prove to be quite positive. Although you are feeling ambivalent, when it comes to making a choice, choose with your...