search "Moon"

Two of Cups and the Moon

The Two of Cups, with its harmonious energy, represents a connection of hearts, the intertwining of souls, and the unspoken understanding between individuals. The Moon, however, dances a different dance, casting the world in its shimmering, silvery light and shadows. This celestial body governs our dreams, subconscious fears, and deepest intuitions. It's a reminder...

A Comprehensive Guide in Tarot Symbolism

Tarot symbolism is a rich and complex language that speaks through archetypal images and profound metaphors. It involves a variety of symbols from different cultures, religions, and philosophical traditions, each carrying its own unique set of meanings. These symbols can be objects, creatures, places, or abstract elements. Each Tarot card is a symbolic map of...

Moon and Ace of Cups

The Moon is a card of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious, hinting at a deeper understanding of oneself and a time of introspection and exploration of the inner self. The Ace of Cups is a card of new beginnings in the realm of emotions, intuition, and relationships. It signifies an incoming tide of emotional understanding or a fresh start in a relationship....

Ace of Cups and Moon

The Ace of Cups is a card of new beginnings in the realm of emotions, intuition, and relationships. It suggests an incoming tide of emotional understanding or a fresh start in a relationship. The Moon is a card of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious, pointing to a deeper understanding of oneself and a time of introspection and exploration of the inner self....

Full Moon in Scorpio - Secrets Revealed

This is a very intense Full Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. It will awaken the Past and it will bring to light hidden energies, lies, deception, old patterns we need to let go.

New Moon in Taurus - Love

April New Moon in Taurus Sextiles Mars and Conjuncts Uranus gives you the firepower to pursue opportunities and shift from lack to prosperity thinking.

Full Moon in Libra - Communication

The Full Moon in Libra is the perfect opportunity to restore communications and improve personal and romantic relationships.

New Moon in Aries Ritual

This New Moon in Aries conjunct Mercury and Chiron will open cosmic channels of communication and will allow you to download the right info you can use to heal yourself and others.

Full Moon in Virgo Tarot Ritual - Transform Yourself

Pluto trines this full Moon in Virgo and that's a big opportunity for physical transformation. Be it for beauty, health or a new routine, you can do this ritual from now until the next New Moon to tap into the energy of Virgo and improve your health, your diet and strengthen and shape your body.

New Moon in Aquarius Ritual February 2022

The New Moon in Aquarius is like a portal to the Future. You can use its energy to connect with your higher self and the divine forces and ask them to grant you insight and guidance to any matter that concerns you.