search "Seven of Cups"

Seven of Cups and Two of Wands

The Seven of Cups is a card of options, daydreaming, procrastination, while the Two of Wands indicates dilemmas, decisions and a desire for action. The common theme of the two cards is a certain difficulty in decision making. The difference between these two is that the Seven of Cups doesn't mind staying happily lost in reveries, but the Two of Wands feels restless...

Ace of Wands and Eight of Cups

The Ace of Wands represents the beginning of action, the spark of an idea. Given the fiery nature of Wands, we should expect that enthusiasm, passion, optimism along with a strong desire to achieve goals will be the fuel that energizes the initiation of action. The Eight of Cups stands for dissatisfaction and it's expressing the desire to withdraw, to walk away...