Αναζήτηση για "Temperance"

Week of March 9 to March 15 2020

Aries: Four of Swords: Relationships sometimes need a rest, especially if things have been overwhelming lately. A temporary separation or some distance seems to be necessary in order to recoup. Give yourself permission NOT to be helpful, productive,  social for a while. For now, the best thing you can do is to invest in rest.  Taurus: Te...

Temperance and Two of Pentacles

The Temperance is a card of balance, blending, healing and patience. The Two of Pentacles indicates change and is trying to achieve an equilibrium in the midst of a transitory/temporary phase. The combination of the two foretels slow, step by step developments and stages that cannot be skipped. Possible manifestations of the Temperance and the Two of Pentacles...