The Five of Wands is a card related to competition and fighting. We enter a competition to win, to get what we want, be it a job, a relationship or any other type of reward. The Ace of Swords in this case, could symbolize the reward itself. The type of reward would be described by the very nature of Swords, which are related to mind, intellect, communication, clarity.

Possible Manifestations of the Five of Wands and the Ace of Swords

  • The resolution of a conflict
  • The winning of a debate
  • Clarity after struggle
  • A heated conversation that ends in favor of the querent
  • Competition
  • The realization that the person/the job/the goal that we're after is not really what we're looking for
  • An opening for clear communication, after a period of arguments
  • Fast, unexpected messages via high tech means (the internet, mobile phones).

Elemental Dignities

From an elemental point of view, the cards are related to Fire (Five of Wands) and Air (Ace of Swords), elements that support and strengthen each other, for good or ill. With the Fire/Air combination, there's always the risk that a situation will become way too "hot", that's why it's crucial that we use the positive aspects of those elements (action/intellect) in order to make it work to our advantage. The Ace of Swords is a weapon that can be either aggressive or defensive. The goal here is to use the weapon wisely, so that whatever struggle (Five of Wands) we find ourselves in, will come to a positive resolution.

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