The Four of Swords indicates a break from the routine, a pause, a desire to find peace of mind and a process of healing, of recuperation. The Ace of Wands represents the beginning of action, the spark of an idea. Given the fiery nature of Wands, we should expect that enthusiasm, passion, optimism along with a strong desire to achieve goals would be the fuel that energizes the initiation of action. The combination of the Four of Swords and the Ace of Wands shows  action after a period of inactivity. 

Possible Manifestations of the Four of Swords and the Ace of Wands

  • Meditating on an idea
  • Progress after a period of inactivity
  • Feeling energized after a period of rest/recovery
  • A temporary rest before action
  • charging batteries (literally or metaphorically)
  • Thoughts/Feelings brewing beneath the surface
  • Entering a more active period (at work/in relationships)
  • Taking a break and getting out of it rejuvenated
  • Reinvigorating a system, an activity or a process
  • Kick-starting
  • Having an "a-ha" moment while meditating/sleeping
  • A burning desire that doesn't let us rest/sleep
  • Going back and forth
  • Being caught up in conflicting energies

Elemental Dignities

The elements of the cards are Air (Four of Swords) and Fire (Ace of Wands). Fire and Air reinforce each other, but the different nature of the cards brings contrast. The Four of Swords seeks peace through a pause of activity, while the Ace of Wands seeks action. The Ace of Wands constantly nudging the Four of Swords to break its inertia, could actually cause it to become even more defensive or the Four of Swords could generate a very foggy situation for the Ace of Wands to be able to penetrate. Examining the surrounding cards will help us determine which energy wins in the end.

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