The Page of Pentacles is a card of material qualities and learning and as all pages, it shows potential and new beginnings. The Moon is associated with subconscious fears, darkness, secrets, mistakes and mood swings. The combination of the Page of Pentacles and the Moon points to news or a message  that can be vague and confusing.

Possible Manifestations of the Page of Pentacles and the Moon

  • A confusing message
  • News that cause fear/uncertainty
  • A  message filled with lies
  • Feeling drawn to the unknown
  • Apprentice Occultist/Magician
  • A message at night
  • Not knowing what to say
  • Taking the first steps to deal with psychological problems or mental disorders
  • Inconsistent effort (mostly in studies or work)
  • Trying to make sense of a confusing situation
  • Wanting to make a fresh start but feeling lost
  • Fake news
  • A new beginning that is not what it appeared to be
  • Learning difficulties
  • Being misled
  • Believing something that is not true
  • A child/young person who feels lost and scared

Elemental Dignities

To understand the elemental relationships between the cards, we should always take into account their actual meaning. The elements of these cards are Earth (Page of Pentacles) and Water (Moon). Both elements are passive and strengthen each other. As a result, we should expect that the qualities of each card will be emphasized. The Page of Pentacles will be a message or news that will arrive late and the Moon card will make it vague and confusing. Earth and water will blend in a way that it resembles muddy waters.

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