The Two of Swords is the card of indecisiveness, avoidance and precarious balance. The Emperor is one of the masculine archetypes in Tarot and he represents control, structures, stability, power and discipline. The Emperor describes someone with great power and authority, someone who is influential, logical and practical. The combination of the Two of Swords and the Emperor shows that someone or something is trying to maintain balance by remaining neutral.

Possible Manifestations of the Two of Swords and the Emperor

  • Being impartial
  • Being neutral
  • Unable to make a decision
  • Following common sense
  • Weighing options
  • A structure based on logic
  • Making the right choice
  • An indecisive leader/boss
  • Unwilling to let go of options
  • Leading with logic
  • A fair leader
  • Being reserved
  • Being diplomatic
  • Keeping things under control by not taking sides
  • Using confusing tactics
  •  Avoiding a conflict

Elemental Dignities

To understand the elemental relationships between the cards, we should always take into account their actual meaning. The elements of the cards are Air (Two of Swords) and Fire (Emperor). Fire and Air reinforce each other, so the intensity of the energies that the cards represent in this case is very strong. We could imagine this combination as fire that gets out of control, but since the Emperor IS a card of control and the Two of Swords always tries to reach middle ground, we should expect a moderate expression of both energies.

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