Aries: Page of Wands: You feel a strong urge to move forward and make new beginnings and you know that something needs to be done, but you're not quite sure what the right action would be. To figure it out, you must ask questions. Ask yourself what you want your life to be in a year from now and take the right action to make it happen. You will lose some things in the process, but nothing that you can't regain later on, in a better version too. You have waited long enough.

Taurus: Knight of Cups: Romantic energies and good vibes are around you this week. You are going to receive a positive message or news that will make you happy. On another note, a person close to you, will offer their help, as a gesture of appreciation. Although there will be a tendency to go up and down with your feelings, try to stay focused on positive thoughts and do what makes YOU feel good. Making your emotional healing a priority is what will help you move towards a more positive situation.

Gemini: Five of Wands: There's a task that you want to get done or a goal that you want to achieve, but there are others out there who want the same 'reward' and they'll go about it in different ways. You should expect that you will have to deal with competition, but in order to get what you want, you need to stand out somehow. Try not to see this as a dead end but as a creative challenge. Then you can rise above it.

Cancer: Seven of Swords: Things are not as they appear to be this week, so try to be extra cautious and think before you pass judgments. Let the picture speak of itself before you make any decisions. Even if things are confusing, chaos is always followed by order. Stay true to yourself and be patient. Energies are shifting soon and then you will have a clearer picture of what is going on. Put your trust only in those that have proved they are worth it.

Leo: Knight of Pentacles: Some time ago, you set your mind on a goal and truth is that progress has been made already. You now know that it may take time to get there but you are determined to work slowly and steadily towards you goal. 'Slow and steady wins the race", so avoid hasty moves or impulsive decisions, because that will sabotage all your previous efforts. Make good use of your resources and don't waste your energy.

Virgo: Devil: There is something or someone you must possess no matter what and the desire is so strong that you are willing to do things that you never thought you would do. The problem is that this addictive person or thing makes you powerless in its presence, which means that it controls you. Go within and find the real reason of your attachment. That's what you must face and bring in moderation.

Libra: Wheel of Fortune: This week life will remind you that you are in a position to change things that you don't like and you are not at anyone's mercy. You can't avoid life's shifts, if you choose to stay grounded, in your own truth and integrity. Things happened and you can't just go back to where you were. This is an opportunity to learn to go through changes. Don't wait for others to make decisions for you as those decisions will not be in your favor.

Scorpio: Sun: You can now see things clearly with the light of the sun and clarity will make you feel happy, centered and balanced. A spiritual message is showing you the way and things will start making sense. It's time now to come out of the darkness and see things as they really are. A healing energy coming from a source that you wouldn't expect will make you feel strong and optimistic again. Make it a point to take a good care of yourself at this stage.

Sagittarius: Emperor: There's someone in your life who's being stubborn and set in their ways and that's their method of staying in control. However, in this case, it's you who needs to lead, inspire and motivate. Giving up your power for too long means that another will make decisions for you and that's something you won't like. Take charge and take initiative - that's how you will be able to set the rules..

Capricorn: World: Something is about to end so that a new cycle can begin. You can finally get what you were after and you will feel a sense of completion. The universe will be supporting you by creating the right conditions that will help you achieve your goals. Begin to actively look forward to the next stage. Explore your options and don't hesitate to try new things. Expansive energies will show you that you need o move away from your comfort zone.

Aquarius: Nine of Pentacles: You will feel the need to create a personal space where you will be happy and you will have everything you need. Going to a retreat like a spa or health centre to get in shape is especially favoured now. Try to make your surroundings tasteful and beautiful, as that will help you stabilize your energy. If someone is asking too much of your resources, it is time to establish some boundaries.

Pisces: Seven of Wands: You have proved that you have the ability to face many challenges at once, to show courage under pressure and to stand your ground if you need to. This is one of the instances that you will have to do it again, but are you determined to continue even if that means it may not work out exactly as you have in mind? Back up and see the big picture more clearly. Get a view of it from a higher elevation and you will get a different perspective.

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