Week of March 4 to March 10 2024

This week begins with an opportunity for improved communication and agreements. However, as the week progresses, the chance for making safe conclusions diminishes due to increasing complexity and chaos in communication.

Mid-week, expect misinformation from media, disruptions in mass transportation, and confusion in interpersonal communication, advising against committing to significant agreements. Challenges continue with unexpected developments in professional, financial, and partnership areas, revealing surprising information. Social and collective issues may shock, leading to reactions, revolutionary actions, strikes, and notable weather or geological phenomena, as well as internet or aviation issues.

The week concludes with a new moon, suggesting new beginnings but with caution and restraint due to unclear judgment. It's advised to lay the groundwork for new ventures but avoid decisive actions. A more authentic, original path outside social norms is suggested. The week ends with improved clarity and communication, indicating better understanding and agreements moving forward.

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