Aries: Four of Swords: Relationships sometimes need a rest, especially if things have been overwhelming lately. A temporary separation or some distance seems to be necessary in order to recoup. Give yourself permission NOT to be helpful, productive,  social for a while. For now, the best thing you can do is to invest in rest. 

Taurus: Ten of Swords: Some situation don't end the way we want, no matter how invested we've been and no matter how much effort we've made. People at times, do their worst, as those that are unworthy often use violence and brutality to take what they can't earn.  Good news is that this situation seems to be over. But this is just where the story stops. It will continue with different heroes and different plot.

Gemini: Nine of Cups: Good connections, good conversations, good vibes. You will come to realize that satisfaction is not always the fulfillment of your goals, but it's also the realization of how lucky you are to have what you have. Don't make happiness your goal, enjoy it as a consequence of what you've been given.

Cancer: World: Something you've been working on for a long time will come to completion these days. Don't hone in on the details but look at the situation as a whole. This is not just about taking it to the next level, it's about taking it  all the way, every which way it can go. On another note, matters related to travelling will be the focal point these days. Think holistically

Leo: Three of Cups: Emotional investments start to pay off. Be it friendships, romance or family relationships, there is growth and progress and you are coming together as a team to connect and celebrate. You will  separate the wheat from the chaff this week, as connections that have no solid base will fizzle out. Don't be afraid of socializing - it will open doors for you. 

Virgo: Ace of Swords:  Truth is what liberates you, but truth is also a double-edged sword and so are your words. You can kill or heal and the choice is yours. You will be tempted to act self-righteous or downright unforgiving, but if you adjust your focus, you will be able to see through a blurry situation. Oh! and take off the rose-tinted glasses. 

Libra: Seven of Swords: You've made a clever plan or so you think, but keep in mind that there are people watching your moves and there are also those ready to steal your resources, your ideas or your time. Do you see things as you want to see them or as they really are? If it's the former, there's a risk that your plan isn't going to turn out as you thought. What we are is what we hide. 

Scorpio: Temperance: You've gathered the herbs, you've put the cauldron on fire, you've mixed the ingredients, but nothing seems to be happening. The coal has not turned into gold. You are certain there's something missing and there is indeed. What's missing is called Time. Now with that knowledge, go back and try again.

Sagittarius: Two of Pentacles: You won't be able to accommodate too many conflicting needs  at the same time. At times when one is up, the other is down,  but keeping the motion is what will prevent things from becoming stuck and stagnant. That means that your needs will not always get a priority. Stability leads to instability and vice versa.

Capricorn: Three of Swords: You are thinking that you will be able to maintain this stalemate for a long time, but as usual, life has different plans. Life will intervene as a stabbing sword between the two and will make that decision for you. And I know you know that nobody wins in this case, so maybe you can prevent the unnecessary drama by facing that painful truth head on.

Aquarius:   Two of Wands: There will be two options that look almost equally tempting, but it is time to decide where to put your energy. You can't be in a limbo state for too long and unavoidably you will have to decide what you will build upon.You are always free to make a choice, but you are not free of the consequences. Choose wisely.  

Pisces: Page of Wands: There's no doubt that there's passion in the situation you are in. But is there the staying power to last long? it will probably burn really hot, but there's a risk that it will  soon  burn itself out. And it's certain that the fire will go out eventually, but think about what's left when that spark is gone. 

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