search "Knight of Pentacles"

Week of March 16 to March 22 2020

Aries:   Four of Pentacles: Your focus is on material issues and material  things. You fear that you are going to experience a loss and that makes you feel anxious. You are holding on to a certain situation or person, but try not to confuse possessiveness for love. You may want to consider that you don't have have the resources to be emotionally...

Week of February 24 to March 1 2020

Aries: Seven of Wands: You will find yourself "under siege" this weeks. People will not behave and situations will oppose your plans. But you are a warrior and you know what's worth protecting and what is not. Take a stand if you need to, you have a natural affinity for battles anyway. Taurus: Nine of Cups:  You will feel good about what you have achieve...

Death and Knight of Pentacles

In this combination, the transformative nature of the Death card is given shape and direction by the Knight of Pentacles. The Death always shows some sort of ending, often unwanted and in some cases unexpected too. The Knight of Pentacles gives us insight on what happens after the ending and what the next stage/step will be. The Knight of Pentacles is about being...