search "Moon"

Week of December 21 to December 27 2020

Aries: Judgment: You are longing for a big change and a big change is right around the corner, but you know what you have to do for this change to manifest, don't you? Keep in mind that you can't take the past with you, although you will take with you the consequences of your past actions and choices. Unlike others, this will be a change that you can control,...

Week of September 14 to September 19 2020

Aries: Moon: Pay attention to your dreams and any intuitive impressions you may get this week, for there may be a message of great importance. Trust your inner voice knowing that you are the best judge at this stage. Feelings of isolation may arise, but that's normal as you are moving forward and the day will soon follow the night. Tread carefully, but don't...

Week of August 31 to Semptember 6 2020

Aries: Seven of Wands: You will find yourself resisting and fighting the present moment, wishing things were different than they are. Yet, you are determined to have your way and you are ready to battle with opposition with persistence. You will soon come to realize that the reason for your frustration and pain is not a change that you fear, but resistance itself....

Week of June 8 to June 14 2020

Aries: Nine of Swords: There's a situation that has run its course, but it feels that you are still in denial and you are trying to hold on when you should really let go. Going against the flow will result in frustration and strong opposition from outside factors. Life is wiser than we know. Trust that the universe is showing you new directions. Taurus: T...

Week of March 23 to March 29 2020

Aries:   Five of Wands: Having skills and experience is a good thing, but if at this stage you don't act competitive, you might let opportunities pass you by. No need to be aggressive, try to inspire others and that will help you reach your full potential. Taurus: Ace of Pentacles: You have a brilliant idea, but only hard work, commitment and patien...

Week of February 24 to March 1 2020

Aries: Seven of Wands: You will find yourself "under siege" this weeks. People will not behave and situations will oppose your plans. But you are a warrior and you know what's worth protecting and what is not. Take a stand if you need to, you have a natural affinity for battles anyway. Taurus: Nine of Cups:  You will feel good about what you have achieve...

Page of Pentacles and Moon

 The Page of Pentacles is a card of material qualities and learning and as all pages, it shows potential and new beginnings. The Moon is associated with subconscious fears, darkness, secrets, mistakes and mood swings. The combination of the Page of Pentacles and the Moon points to news or a message  that can be vague and confusing. Possible Manifestati...

Seven of Cups and High Priestess

The Seven of Cups is a card of options, daydreaming, procrastination and scattered energies. The High Priestess is the female principle, passive, secretive and receptive. She symbolizes hidden knowledge, mysteries, intuition and is associated with the Moon and its phases. The combination of the Sevn of Cups and the High Priestess shows energies that are unclear...

Eight of Cups and Queen of Cups

The the Eight of Cups signifies dissatisfaction and it's expressing the desire to withdraw, to walk away from a situation, to change, as we hear the calling of a new or different future. In some cases the Eight of Cups can even indicate betrayal. The Queen of Cups is focused on feelings and emotional matters. She has a gentle, receptive and passive nature and...

Moon and High Priestess

The Moon is associated with subconscious fears, darkness, secrets, mistakes and mood swings. The High Priestess is the female principle, passive, secretive and receptive. She represents hidden knowledge, mysteries, intuition and is associated with the Moon and its phases. With this pair nothing is open and out in the light and there’s nothing rational, harmonious...