Αναζήτηση για "Queen of Swords"

Queen of Swords and Ace of Cups

The Queen of Swords represents clarity, wisdom, independence, and emotional detachment. The Ace of Cups signifies new beginnings, emotional experiences, and the expression of deep feelings or intuition. Together, this pairing suggests that wisdom, independent thinking, and emotional clarity could bring about new emotional beginnings or deep inner healing. ...

Ace of Cups and Queen of Swords

The Ace of Cups signifies new beginnings in love, emotional healing, and open-heartedness, while the Queen of Swords represents clarity, independence, wisdom, and emotional detachment. Together, these cards suggest that clarity, wisdom, or assertiveness may usher in new emotional beginnings. Possible Interpretations of the Ace of Cups and the Queen of Swords ...

Ντάμα Σπαθί και Εννιά Πεντάκτινο

Η Βασίλισσα των Σπαθιών αντιπροσωπεύει τη δύναμη του μυαλού που τροφοδοτεί ενέργειες και αποφάσεις, τη λογική (και όχι συναισθηματική) διαδικασία πληροφοριών. Η Βασίλισσα των Σπαθιών έχει οξεία διάνοια και καθαρή κρίση. Οι Εννέα Πεντάκτινο είναι η κάρτα της αφθονίας, της άνεσης και της ασφάλειας, αλλά πρωτίστως, είναι η κάρτα της αυτάρκειας και της ανεξαρτησίας....

Week of July 29 to July 25 2021

Aries: Ten of Pentacles: A relationship or project is about to pass to the next level and there's a supportive group of people or community that will help you achieve your goal. Things are on the upswing and a more peaceful period is coming. Security in all forms will be a top priority that's why it's best that you stick to tried and familiar methods and avoid...

Week of May 31 to June 6 2021

Aries: Empress: You are thinking about taking the leadership role in a matter and that's in fact what you should do! You will find that empowering other people and showing them the way, will help you empower yourself too. Step in and take charge, but take into consideration your own needs too. If you do everything for others but ignore your own plans, you will...

Week of March 22 to March 28 2021

Aries: Six of Cups: All those good memories of how things used to be can make you feel good this week, but at the same time, thinking that the "best of all years have gone by", can become a self fulfilling prophecy. Cherish your memories, connect with familiar faces, visit places you love, but don't cling to ideas of how things ought to be. This week you will...

Week of February 1 to February 7 2021

Aries: Death: There's a change that you fear, but change is inevitable. A chapter in your life is about to end and what comes next largely depends on how you will react. Acceptance is the key here – resistance will just make things harder. The universe will not allow stagnation, especially if you keep something negative in your life for too long. Trust the process...

Week of September 28 to October 4 2020

Aries:  Five of Cups: You're so focused on a perceived loss that you cannot see the good that remains. You have the power and the resources to regain what was lost and maybe more easily than you think. This is a temporary situation. Don't waste energy thinking about past mistakes. Learn the lesson and move on. Being too sensitive or crying over spilt milk...

Week of August 31 to Semptember 6 2020

Aries: Seven of Wands: You will find yourself resisting and fighting the present moment, wishing things were different than they are. Yet, you are determined to have your way and you are ready to battle with opposition with persistence. You will soon come to realize that the reason for your frustration and pain is not a change that you fear, but resistance itself....

Week of May 11 to May 17 2020

Aries: Hermit: You will be doing some soul searching this week, as things have started shifting and you may feel a little confused about which path to take. If you remain still and quiet, you will be amazed at the insight you are going to get. A solution to problem seems possible now. You won't be able to tolerate drama and B.S. anymore. Taurus:  Ten o...