search "Two of Wands"

Two of Wands and Two of Cups

The Two of Wands bristles with the energy of decisions waiting to be made, paths yet to be chosen, and a gaze fixed on distant horizons. It heralds a time of weighing options, mustering courage, and setting forth into new frontiers. Alongside, the Two of Cups, which exudes the essence of deep connection, mutual understanding, and the delicate dance of two hearts...

Two of Cups and Two of Wands

The Two of Cups radiates the energy of mutual affection, connection, and the intimate bond shared between two individuals. It reflects a realm where emotions intertwine, creating a partnership founded on understanding and love. When paired with the Two of Wands, a card that speaks of decision-making, weighing options, and setting one's sights on the horizon,...

Two of Wands and Ace of Cups

The Two of Wands is a card of decisions, choices, hesitation, and indecisiveness. It suggests a need for direction or decision-making regarding a specific path. The Ace of Cups signifies a new relationship, a fresh love interest, the beginning of an emotional journey, or a loving message. When these two cards come together, they could point to the choice or decision...

Ace of Cups and Two of Wands

The Ace of Cups represents a new relationship, a fresh love interest, the beginning of a new emotional journey or a loving message. The Two of Wands, on the other hand, signifies decisions, choices, hesitation, and indecisiveness. When these cards appear together, it could point to a new relationship that is facing some decisions or uncertainties. Poss...

Magician and Two of Wands

The Magician is a card of action, manifestation, individuality and creation. He's the master of personal Will and Intention. The Two of Wands is a card of decisions, dilemmas, and action. It represents a balancing act, triggered by a choice. Together, they suggest that you have the ability to harness your talents, take initiative, and manifest your goals and...

Week of June 14 to June 20 2021

Aries: Page of Wands: You are planning on starting something new, or entering a new phase in your life. Your focus now is on the course of action you will take and you will feel enthusiastic and excited making plans about your next steps. Try to balance impatience and make sure that your project, venture or study is built on a strong foundation. This is an exciting...

Week of June 7 to June 13 2021

Aries: Wheel of Fortune: Expect surprises and a change of energies this week. Things that have been stuck for a while will finally start moving and you will find yourself in a very different situation soon. You can't rely on anything for now, give it time for energies to settle down. Embrace change even if it feels uncomfortable at times, even if you don't know...

Week of May 31 to June 6 2021

Aries: Empress: You are thinking about taking the leadership role in a matter and that's in fact what you should do! You will find that empowering other people and showing them the way, will help you empower yourself too. Step in and take charge, but take into consideration your own needs too. If you do everything for others but ignore your own plans, you will...

Week of May 3 to May 9 2021

Aries: Seven of Wands: There's an important task that you will decide to get down to and see it through with commitment. Even if there are challenges from many directions occurring at once, there's a good chance you will get what you want, if you stick to your plan. You will manage to reach your goal if you don't invest all your energy fighting off resistance....

Week of January 4 2021 to January 10 2021

Aries: Four of Wands: A challenge is finally over and you will soon get a reward for your hard efforts. You have established a strong foundation to build upon and like-minded people will come to your aid. You will feel like taking a few days off to recoup and recharge as you need energy for the new stage that it's about to begin. You are going to organize or...