
Empress and Ten of Pentacles

The Empress is a passive, wise, nurturing, supportive energy, associated with the natural world, abundance and fertility. She is the Mother archetype of Tarot. The Ten of Pentacles predicts family or business concerns. It symbolizes assets, security, traditions, and inheritance. It can also represent large groups of people, like for example the neighborhood or...

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Six of Swords and Eight of Swords

The Six of Swords predicts peace after a period of turmoil. It gives a gentle a push towards a new direction, towards a calmer destination. The eight of swords is often a mental prison. Under its influence, we feel trapped, bullied, powerless and misunderstood. The good news is that in most cases, the Eight of Swords describes a temporary situation that wil...

Queen of Swords and Nine of Wands

The Queen of Swords represents the power of the mind that fuels actions and decisions, the logical (rather than emotional) process of information. The Queen of Swords has sharp intellect and clear judgment.The Nine of Wands is a card of transition and includes all the lessons learned in the previous numbers. The Nine of Wands can be pressure, aggression or defense. ...

Queen of Cups and Eight of Cups

The Queen of Cups is focusing on feelings and emotional matters. She has a gentle, receptive and passive nature and she can be a great helper, healer and counselor. Ill-dignified, the Queen of Cups is the personification of the drama queen. The the Eight of Cups signifies dissatisfaction and it's expressing the desire to withdraw, to walk away from a situation...

Journey Through Tarot - A Complete Guide to Card Meanings

A Journey Through Tarot - A Complete Guide to Tarot Meanings A Journey Through Tarot - A Complete Guide to Tarot Meanings Overview Dive deep into the world of Tarot with our definitive eBook, "A Journey Through Tarot - A Complete Guide to Tarot Meanings". Designed for both beginners and experienced practitioners, this guidebook off...

Your Year Ahead: A 12-Month Guide to Life, Love, and Career

<br /> Overview Embark on a transformative journey with our "Your Year Ahead" reading. This comprehensive guide offers month-by-month analyses, illuminating your path for the next 12 months in various aspects of life. Whether you're looking for general guidance or seeking focus on love or career, this reading is your personal road...

Journey Through Time: Your Past Life Exploration

<br /><br /><br /> Overview Step beyond the veil of time and explore the hidden realms of your past lives. With the Past Life Reading, discover the karmic threads that connect you to different epochs and experiences. Unlock the secrets that can help you understand your current life better. Gift Option Available This read...

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