search "Death"

Week of May 4 to May 11 2020

Aries: Four of Wands: Good news are arriving this week. Something that you've worked on for a long time is finally producing the results you wanted to see. Take some time off to celebrate. A stage is being complete and you deserve a breather. Taurus: Ace of Wands: An exciting new beginning is in the cards for you and you will feel energized and ready to ris...

Week of April 27 to May 3 2020

Aries: Knight of Pentacles: You will take it slow this week and that's a good thing. It won't be long until you see that you are producing solid results even if the pace is slower than you'd like. Don't act in haste now. Build strong foundation to build upon. Taurus:  Seven of Swords: You feel you've been lied to and you are probably correct. There's someon...

Week of March 30 to April 5 2020

Aries:   Page of Pentacles: This week contains a lesson and you are the student. You are wondering who your teacher might be. Well, it's your last mistake.  Look backward only to acknowledge those lessons, but then make sure you live forward. Taurus: Magician: Focus is your strong point now. Make sure that you are not focusing on obstacles, bu...

Ace of Cups and Death

The Ace of Cups suggests new emotional beginnings, love, and intuition. It's a sign of emotional and spiritual abundance, signaling a period of happiness and fulfillment. When paired with Death, a card of transformation, endings, and new beginnings, it suggests that an emotional transformation is underway. A new, deeply emotional phase of life may be about to...

Seven of Pentacles and Death

The card of patience and timing, paired with the card of transformation, change and endings, point to a situation which drags on for too long, as the persons involved are reluctant to face whatever issues they may have due to fear of the unknown. The Seven of Pentacles indicates that our efforts haven't brought the results we expected them to bring and w...

Death and Knight of Pentacles

In this combination, the transformative nature of the Death card is given shape and direction by the Knight of Pentacles. The Death always shows some sort of ending, often unwanted and in some cases unexpected too. The Knight of Pentacles gives us insight on what happens after the ending and what the next stage/step will be. The Knight of Pentacles is about being...

Lovers and Death

The Lovers is the card of love, of love triangles and choices. It's about acknowledging who/what will complete us and about making (or not) the choice to pursue the object of our desire. The Death is a card of fear and endings and it show experiences or events that will transform us either we want it or not. The combination of the Lovers and the Death shows a...