search "Five of Swords"

Week of June 29 to July 5 2020

Aries: Queen of Pentacles: You will notice progress and positive developments around your career and finances. An issue that had been troubling you for a while, these days will start moving forward. You need to feel secure in your workplace and under this influence, you will have the opportunity to find allies and support that will make you feel more confident...

Week of June 15 to June 21 2020

Aries:   Five of Swords: Are you trying to control everyone around you demanding that it be in your way? Are you viewing every situation as having a victor and a defeated? Try to take a step back and see what effect you're having on other people's lives. Don't be demanding at this stage. Trying to win at all costs can have consequences that you will...

Five of Pentacles and Five of Swords

   The Five of Pentacles represents struggles that come from financial obligations, loss and material concerns in general. It also shows differences and incompatibilities that cause disruptions. The Five of Swords indicates conflicts, hostility, defeat and dishonor. The energy of the Five of Swords is very disruptive and it manifests as chaotic...

Week of March 16 to March 22 2020

Aries:   Four of Pentacles: Your focus is on material issues and material  things. You fear that you are going to experience a loss and that makes you feel anxious. You are holding on to a certain situation or person, but try not to confuse possessiveness for love. You may want to consider that you don't have have the resources to be emotionally...

Week of March 2 to March 8 2020

Aries:  Ten of Wands: Saying 'yes' to every opportunity that comes your way can be tempting and even exciting, but spreading yourself too thin is not the way to go. Your energy is finite, so try to preserve it. It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.  Taurus: Judgement: You will feel that others judg...

Six of Swords and Five of Swords

The Six of Swords predicts peace after a period of turmoil. It gives a gentle a push towards a new direction, towards a calmer destination. On the contrary, the Five of Swords indicates conflicts, hostility, defeat and dishonor. The energy of the Five of Swords is very disruptive and it manifests as chaotic energies and people acting out of self-interest. The...

Five of Swords and Nine of Wands

​ The Five of Swords indicates conflicts, hostility, defeat and dishonor. The energy of the Five of Swords is very disruptive and it manifests as chaotic energies and people acting out of self-interest. The Nine of Wands is exhaustion and the desire to give up after a long fight. However, at the same time, it indicates perseverance, experience and determination....