search "Ten of Pentacles"

Week of January 4 2021 to January 10 2021

Aries: Four of Wands: A challenge is finally over and you will soon get a reward for your hard efforts. You have established a strong foundation to build upon and like-minded people will come to your aid. You will feel like taking a few days off to recoup and recharge as you need energy for the new stage that it's about to begin. You are going to organize or...

Week of August 17 to August 23 2020

Aries: Ace of Wands: You will have the opportunity to make a new beginning in situations that feel stuck, but potential will manifest after you take action. Taking action on your thoughts and plans will help you change things that don't go the way you want them to go. Change perspective and opportunities will arise.  Taurus: Two of Wands:  I...

Ten of Pentacles and Six of Cups

The Ten of Pentacles predicts family or business issues. It stands for assets, security, traditions, inheritance. It can also represent large groups of people, like for example the neighborhood or big companies. The Six of Cups is the card of past, nostalgia, reunions. It is considered as one of the 'karmic' cards in Tarot, as some say it can show connections...

Queen of Swords and Ten of Pentacles

The Queen of Swords represents the power of the mind that fuels actions and decisions, the logical (rather than emotional) process of information. The Queen of Swords has sharp intellect and clear judgment. The Ten of Pentacles predicts family or business issues. It stands for assets, security, traditions, inheritance. It can also represent large groups of people,...

Empress and Ten of Pentacles

The Empress is a passive, wise, nurturing, supportive energy, associated with the natural world, abundance and fertility. She is the Mother archetype of Tarot. The Ten of Pentacles predicts family or business concerns. It symbolizes assets, security, traditions, and inheritance. It can also represent large groups of people, like for example the neighborhood or...