Αναζήτηση για "King of Wands"

King of Wands and Ace of Cups

The King of Wands signifies authority, passion, vision, innovation, and personal power. The Ace of Cups represents new emotional beginnings, love, and emotional healing. When these cards are drawn together, they suggest that strong, visionary leadership can pave the way for emotional healing or the start of a new, loving relationship. Possible Manifestati...

Ace of Cups and King of Wands

The Ace of Cups represents new emotional beginnings, love, and emotional healing. The King of Wands signifies authority, passion, vision, innovation, and personal power. When these cards are drawn together, they suggest a strong, visionary action can ignite new emotional beginnings or even a healing process. Possible Manifestations of the Ace of Cups ...

Τέσσερα Μπαστούνι και Ρήγας Μπαστούνι

Το Τέσσερα Μπαστούνι είναι μια κάρτα γιορτής, αρμονίας και μιας αίσθησης επίτευξης. Αντιπροσωπεύει τη στιγμή που βλέπετε τους καρπούς των κόπων σας κι απολαμβάνετε τη σταθερότητα που έχετε δημιουργήσει. Ο Ρήγας Μπαστούνι, από την άλλη πλευρά, είναι μια κάρτα ηγεσίας, οράματος και χαρίσματος. Είναι ένας φυσικός ηγέτης που αναλαμβάνει την πρωτοβουλία κι έχει τη...

Week of June 7 to June 13 2021

Aries: Wheel of Fortune: Expect surprises and a change of energies this week. Things that have been stuck for a while will finally start moving and you will find yourself in a very different situation soon. You can't rely on anything for now, give it time for energies to settle down. Embrace change even if it feels uncomfortable at times, even if you don't know...

Week of May 24 to May 30 2021

Aries: Five of Pentacles: You will be feeling a little low this week, as you think there are things missing from your life and that you could have done better on certain levels. And even if that's true to a certain extent, that does not mean that those things cannot be acquired in the near future. It's just a matter of planning and perspective. Don't let yourself...

Week of May 17 to May 23 2021

Aries: Seven of Pentacles: Things seem to be moving along quite nicely and there isn't much that actually needs to be done right now. You will soon taste the results of your effort, but try to remain patient without forcing or pushing .Things still need to ripen, to grow into their full manifestation. While waiting to receive your rewards, take the time to review...

Week of September 14 to September 19 2020

Aries: Moon: Pay attention to your dreams and any intuitive impressions you may get this week, for there may be a message of great importance. Trust your inner voice knowing that you are the best judge at this stage. Feelings of isolation may arise, but that's normal as you are moving forward and the day will soon follow the night. Tread carefully, but don't...

Week of March 2 to March 8 2020

Aries:  Ten of Wands: Saying 'yes' to every opportunity that comes your way can be tempting and even exciting, but spreading yourself too thin is not the way to go. Your energy is finite, so try to preserve it. It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.  Taurus: Judgement: You will feel that others judg...