Αναζήτηση για "Nine of Swords"

Nine of Swords and Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups represents emotional beginnings, love, and healing, while the Nine of Swords symbolizes anxiety, worry, and mental anguish. Together, these cards may suggest that new emotional opportunities or beginnings are being overshadowed by worry or anxiety. Possible Interpretations of the Ace of Cups and the Nine of Swords Emotional healing...

Ace of Cpus and Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords represents anxiety, worry, and mental anguish, while the Ace of Cups symbolizes new emotional beginnings, love, and healing. Together, these cards may indicate a situation where emotional turmoil or anxiety is affecting a new emotional situation or relationship. Possible Interpretations of the Nine of Swords and the Ace of Cups ...

Εννιά Σπαθί και Πέντε Σπαθί

Το Εννιά Σπαθί είναι η κάρτα του ακραίου στρες, των κακών ονείρων, της προδοσίας και των αρνητικών επιρροών. Είναι επίσης μια κάρτα που δείχνει επώδυνες καταστάσεις κι αποτελέσματα. Το Πέντε Σπαθί υποδηλώνει συγκρούσεις, εχθρότητα, ήττα και ατιμία. Η ενέργεια του το Πέντε Σπαθί μπορεί να εκδηλωθεί ως χαοτικές καταστάσεις κι άτομα που ενεργούν για το προσωπικό...

Week of May 10 to May 16 2021

Aries: Strength: This week you will have to  sit back and assess your strengths and weaknesses, to prepare for a new beginning that's about to manifest. Energies are especially positive if you're submitting a college or job application, or preparing for an interview. Your plans should be decided taking into account your core strengths and skills. As...

Week of January 18 to January 24 2021

Aries: Knight of Cups: There will be passionate and emotional engagement with someone, motivated by the desire to unite and share. A nice gesture will make you feel good and will show you that someone cares. Don't be afraid to take risks in love at this stage -odds seem to be in your favor. It's OK to be open, affectionate and sentimental. Your connections now...

Week of October 5 to October 11 2020

Aries: Nine of Pentacles: it's time now to reap what you have sown and you will find that your past deeds and discipline will produce some very positive results for you. Money is coming your way this week either from your hard work or from someone who owes  you money. You will decide to make a purchase you've been thinking about in a...

Week of September 21 to September 27 2020

Aries:  Strength: Finding balance between two different aspects of your life will be your task this week. Work versus love, personal time versus family time or even your compassionate side versus your rebellious side. It will be clear that something needs to be reconciled. Through the force of reason, you can control any contrast that will arise. Just make sure...

Week of June 29 to July 5 2020

Aries: Queen of Pentacles: You will notice progress and positive developments around your career and finances. An issue that had been troubling you for a while, these days will start moving forward. You need to feel secure in your workplace and under this influence, you will have the opportunity to find allies and support that will make you feel more confident...

Week of June 8 to June 14 2020

Aries: Nine of Swords: There's a situation that has run its course, but it feels that you are still in denial and you are trying to hold on when you should really let go. Going against the flow will result in frustration and strong opposition from outside factors. Life is wiser than we know. Trust that the universe is showing you new directions. Taurus: T...

Two of Swords and Nine of Swords

   The Two of Swords is the card of indecisiveness, avoidance and precarious balance. The Nine of Swords represents extreme stress, nightmares and negative, external influences. It is also a card of painful endings. The combination of the Two of Swords and the Nine of Swords shows a stalemated situation that fails to be resolved. Possible Manifesta...