Αναζήτηση για "devil"

H Μεγάλη Αρκάνα - Συμβουλές

Ενσωματώστε τις συμβουλές της Μεγάλης Αρκάνα στην καθημερινή σας Ταρώ εξάσκηση κι ανακαλύψτε τα βαθιά μαθήματα που αντιπροσωπεύει κάθε κάρτα και το πώς αυτές οι διαχρονικές διδασκαλίες μπορούν να εμπνεύσουν και να κατευθύνουν την προσωπική σας ανάπτυξη. Εφαρμόζοντας τη διαχρονική σοφία της Μεγάλης Αρκάνα στην καθημερινότητά μας, διαπιστώνουμε ότι οι κάρτες προσφέρου...

Devil and Two of Cups

The Devil represents temptation, unhealthy attachments, and negative influences that might lead us astray. It often signifies feelings of entrapment, obsession, and excessive desire, and can point to the inner demons we might be battling, such as addictions, jealousy, and negative thinking. The Two of Cups, conversely, signifies deep emotional connection, unity,...

Two of Cups and Devil

The Two of Cups stands for deep emotional connection, symbolizing love, harmony, and a sense of unity that fuels a relationship. It represents mutual understanding, compatibility, and a bonding that is both emotional and spiritual. The Devil, on the other hand, signifies temptation, unhealthy attachments, and feelings of being trapped. It often represents our...

Devil and Ace of Cups

The Devil is a card of materialism, bondage, and temptation. It symbolizes a situation where one is bound or obsessed with materialistic desires or unhealthy behaviors. Combined with the Ace of Cups, a card of emotional beginnings and love, this might imply that a new relationship or emotional state is affected by unhealthy attachment, obsession, or materialistic...

Ace of Cups and Devil

The Ace of Cups is a card of emotional beginnings, love, and intuition. It represents the potential of fulfilling emotional experiences, intuition, and the start of a new, emotional journey. When combined with the Devil, a card that symbolizes bondage, temptation, and materialism, it could suggest an intense emotional attraction that may not necessarily be healthy,...

Week of July 5 to July 11 2021

Aries: Lovers: You are faced by a rather difficult decision, but before you make a choice, make sure that you are assessing the situation correctly. Analyze all data, keeping in mind that something that initially appeared like a bad option. may prove to be quite positive. Although you are feeling ambivalent, when it comes to making a choice, choose with your...

Week of April 19 to April 25 2021

Aries: Page of Wands: You feel a strong urge to move forward and make new beginnings and you know that something needs to be done, but you're not quite sure what the right action would be. To figure it out, you must ask questions. Ask yourself what you want your life to be in a year from now and take the right action to make it happen. You will lose some things...

Week of April 12 to April 18 2021

Aries: Ten of Pentacles: You've worked hard in order to achieve a goal and now a cycle is coming to a culmination. You are about to enjoy the fruits of your labor and you will receive rewards and praise. Matters of property are especially favored this week, so if you were planning to sell or to sign contracts, this is the right time to do so. Think long term...

Week of February 8 to February 14 2021

Aries: Six of Wands: This week a stage seems to be completed and a gift or a gesture will prove that you have achieved a goal. You will feel encouraged and optimistic to move to the next phase and there will be those who will support your efforts in various ways. Things seem to speed up at least and fast developments will follow. Stay tuned to the current energies...

Week of January 25 to January 31 2021

Aries: Knight of Pentacles: Practical matters will require you attention this week and you will decide to go ahead with a plan or commitment that may involve managing money or holding a position of responsibility. Try to choose options that favor security and structure and try to see the bigger picture. Make a point to remain flexible because as you go ahead,...