Αναζήτηση για "Four of Swords"

Four of Swords and Ace of Cups

The Four of Swords denotes rest, recovery, introspection, and inner peace, while the Ace of Cups symbolizes new beginnings, love, and emotional healing. Together, these cards suggest a period of rest or introspection could lead to new emotional beginnings or healing. Possible Manifestations of the Four of Swords and the Ace of Cups Healing and n...

Ace of Cups and Four of Swords

The Ace of Cups symbolizes new emotional beginnings, love, and emotional healing, while the Four of Swords signifies a time for rest, healing, and introspection. Together, these cards suggest a period of recovery and introspection leading to a new emotional beginning or healing. Possible Manifestations of the Ace of Cups and the Four of Swords ...

Week of June 14 to June 20 2021

Aries: Page of Wands: You are planning on starting something new, or entering a new phase in your life. Your focus now is on the course of action you will take and you will feel enthusiastic and excited making plans about your next steps. Try to balance impatience and make sure that your project, venture or study is built on a strong foundation. This is an exciting...

Week of May 17 to May 23 2021

Aries: Seven of Pentacles: Things seem to be moving along quite nicely and there isn't much that actually needs to be done right now. You will soon taste the results of your effort, but try to remain patient without forcing or pushing .Things still need to ripen, to grow into their full manifestation. While waiting to receive your rewards, take the time to review...

Week of April 5 to April 11 2021

Aries: Magician: You are now having the right consciousness to produce the results that you want and you will feel confident about taking the right external actions. An opportunity will arise that should not be missed, probably when you least expect it and synchronicities are about to happen. Keep in mind that everything starts with your thoughts and that means...

Week of March 8 to March 14 2021

Aries: Queen of Pentacles: Expect a professional or financial offer or proposal this week, as people start noticing that you're doing a great job. Whatever you decide to do under this influence will have solid and long-lasting results, that's why it's important that you are clear on the direction that you're heading. Don't hesitate to make adjustments where...

Week of November 23 to November 29 2020

Aries: Page of Wands: You will try to see beyond the current limitations and you will envision the future that you want to manifest and that's the first step that will get you where you want to be. An offer or proposal is coming your way. Keep building up momentum and avoid procrastination. Try to be stronger than you strongest excuse! Taurus: Nine of Wan...

Week of September 28 to October 4 2020

Aries:  Five of Cups: You're so focused on a perceived loss that you cannot see the good that remains. You have the power and the resources to regain what was lost and maybe more easily than you think. This is a temporary situation. Don't waste energy thinking about past mistakes. Learn the lesson and move on. Being too sensitive or crying over spilt milk...

Week of July 20 to July 26 2020

Aries:  Hanged Man: This is a time of gestation between two different chapters in life. You will feel compelled to take action, but it's best that you sit back and watch the developments. In the meantime, examine your situation from many different angles and you will see things that you were not able to see before.  Taurus: Three of Swords:  There'...

Week of June 22 to June 28 2020

Aries:   Sun: Now that things are finally beginning to make sense, you will find that your thoughts gravitate towards positivity too. You will experience some good moments soon and difficult energies will start shifting. Don't miss opportunities for fun -  you do need to recharge and recoup. Your life is as good as your mindset. Taurus: Strengt...