Αναζήτηση για "Three of Swords"

Three of Swords and Ace of Cups

The Three of Swords stands for heartbreak, pain, and emotional turmoil, while the Ace of Cups symbolizes emotional beginnings, healing, and love. When these cards appear together, they suggest a situation where heartache or emotional upset might be healed or improved by a new emotional beginning. Possible Manifestations of the Three of Swords and the ...

Ace of Cups and Three of Swords

The Ace of Cups stands for emotional beginnings, healing, and love, while the Three of Swords symbolizes heartbreak, pain, and emotional turmoil. When these cards appear together, they suggest a situation where new emotional beginnings or healing might be hindered by heartache or emotional upset. Possible Manifestations of the Ace of Cups and the Three...

Week of April 12 to April 18 2021

Aries: Ten of Pentacles: You've worked hard in order to achieve a goal and now a cycle is coming to a culmination. You are about to enjoy the fruits of your labor and you will receive rewards and praise. Matters of property are especially favored this week, so if you were planning to sell or to sign contracts, this is the right time to do so. Think long term...

Week of February 1 to February 7 2021

Aries: Death: There's a change that you fear, but change is inevitable. A chapter in your life is about to end and what comes next largely depends on how you will react. Acceptance is the key here – resistance will just make things harder. The universe will not allow stagnation, especially if you keep something negative in your life for too long. Trust the process...

Week of October 5 to October 11 2020

Aries: Nine of Pentacles: it's time now to reap what you have sown and you will find that your past deeds and discipline will produce some very positive results for you. Money is coming your way this week either from your hard work or from someone who owes  you money. You will decide to make a purchase you've been thinking about in a...

Week of September 28 to October 4 2020

Aries:  Five of Cups: You're so focused on a perceived loss that you cannot see the good that remains. You have the power and the resources to regain what was lost and maybe more easily than you think. This is a temporary situation. Don't waste energy thinking about past mistakes. Learn the lesson and move on. Being too sensitive or crying over spilt milk...

Week of July 20 to July 26 2020

Aries:  Hanged Man: This is a time of gestation between two different chapters in life. You will feel compelled to take action, but it's best that you sit back and watch the developments. In the meantime, examine your situation from many different angles and you will see things that you were not able to see before.  Taurus: Three of Swords:  There'...

Week of June 15 to June 21 2020

Aries:   Five of Swords: Are you trying to control everyone around you demanding that it be in your way? Are you viewing every situation as having a victor and a defeated? Try to take a step back and see what effect you're having on other people's lives. Don't be demanding at this stage. Trying to win at all costs can have consequences that you will...

Week of March 9 to March 15 2020

Aries: Four of Swords: Relationships sometimes need a rest, especially if things have been overwhelming lately. A temporary separation or some distance seems to be necessary in order to recoup. Give yourself permission NOT to be helpful, productive,  social for a while. For now, the best thing you can do is to invest in rest.  Taurus: Te...

Seven of Wands and Three of Swords

The Seven of Wands is a card of defense, as we find ourselves "under siege". Criticism and attacks from other people are likely when this card comes up. The Three of Swords, the traditional card of heartbreak, indicates emotional wounds, hurtful words, but also clarity, as there's nowhere to hide anymore and a situation is exposed as it really is. The combination...